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Birkeland Current has completed a research study supported by the National Institute on Aging that monitors impacts of cognitive decline on Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). Please watch the video below describing the technology used. Please see our spin out company for more information on commercial availability.

or call (254) 742-6030

Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) Monitored and Assessed During the Study.

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Birkeland Current uses patented Advanced Power Strips and normal interactions with devices around you to provide location, activity determination, and personalized patterns of behavior for health relevant actions like: movement, food preparation, sleep, bath rooming, and hygiene.

Monitoring Analyzing Reporting and Notifying

Monitoring Analyzing Reporting and Notifying

How it Works: 1) Advanced Power-strips and other battery based sensors are installed in a home. 2) Continuous monitoring of device usage and user location is detected by the power strips with no user input. 3) Data is aggregated between sensors 4) Algorithms review a users activity on a variety of levels and compare against the users short term and long term activities to identify relevant changes.

A family of simple sensors and common Smart Home Devices

  • 24/7 Activity Monitoring

  • No Video or Audio Involved

  • Easily Installed

Possible future benefits as simple as plugging in a power strip

Benefits of Direct Measurement of: Mobility; Sleep Habits; Bath rooming and Bathing; Meal Preparation; Laundry; 

1) Short Term Behavior Change Identification

2) Long Term Trending and Projections

3) Rehab progression and exercise monitoring

4) Home Care visit Verification

5) Home Care activity validation

6) Automated care giver change notification

7) Care giver remote  status check

8) Detailed activity reporting for focused Home Care



